Monday, March 8, 2010

Sustainable Global Leadership Alliance 2010

Yesterday my mother and I spent the afternoon at The Mercury Cafe with a group of great folks who are kicking off their Denver/Boulder launch of the Sustainable Global Leadership Alliance. We saw their documentary of students ages 15-25 who participated in the 2005 India-Nepal trip with SGLA and were moved by the discussion afterwards with SGLA alumni. The "learning" I took away from this event is that "becoming sustainable" is a process that starts within and can be nurtured from without. This summer I plan on joining the SGLA during their second weekend gathering (prior to the July trip) as a community leader to talk a bit about my experiences in Jewish communal work and travels abroad serving others. My mom might come along as well to talk about her work in Peru---be sure to stay posted!  

If you have high school/college-age students and want to give them a gift this summer, get in touch with Michelle Wheat ( or 303-800-6802) for info on the 2010 Boulder/Denver India-Nepal Summer Program. Weekend sessions in June prior to the July 8-29, 2010 trip and following this experience in August are all part of the SGLA program.

If you live outside Colorado, check out the website ( for a regional office that may be closer to you to apply.

Si Ud. tiene hijos en secundaria o quienes estan asistiendo universidad y quieren regalarles una experiencia este verano, pongase en contacto con Michelle Wheat ( o 303-800-6802) para obtener mas informacion sobre 2010 Boulder/Denver India-Nepal Summer Program. Eventos los fines de semana en junio antes del viaje el 8-29 de julio 2010 y siguiendo el viaje en agosto tambien son parte del programa SGLA.
Si Ud. vive fuera de Colorado, comuniquese con otras oficinas regionales de la SGLA por medio de su pagina Web (

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