Saturday, March 6, 2010

Caucus Talk today in Barnum

Ever get a chance to caucus to make sure your candidate gets on the primary ballot? My first CO caucus will be on March 16, but today I met with an HD 4 (state district) group and we talked about issues that hit close to home because they are universal: self-sufficiency during recession, business development and jobs, and education --oh, and the Tabor Amendment. (Not universal, but it feels likes it's been in CO forever!)

Tomorrow it's Denver Speakers Corner at Panera's on 13th and Grant in Denver; if you're just getting up around 4PM after the Dems' Jefferson-Jackson dinner I hope to see you there! Bring your own soap box or just a poem you want to share--I'll have something appropo for Intl. Women's Day on Monday!

One item to share:, a Spanish-language resource guide packed with articles on every topic under the sun. (If I get lucky I'll publish a thing or two on helping kids with special needs there before the year is out.) It's free and deserves sharing so sign up and pass it along!

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