Thursday, March 4, 2010

Just a Bit of Powerful Trivia

Ever read a journal titled Poder Enterprise? Not for Trekkies, but still an adventure if you're into developing a quick Hispanic snapshot for yourself to ponder. For those seeking a few talking points for the watercooler conversation tomorrow check out the following found in the Poder October 09 issue (if you want more insights from current issues check out
34% is the proportion of Hispanics in the U.S. who don't have health insurance.
270 is the number of Wal-Mart stores that opened in Mexico in 2009.
60% is what ex-President of Honduras upped the minimum wage to last December.
$35 million is the cost of renovating and expanding El Museo Del Barrio in New York.

Did you know that one of the top 100 Hispanic entrepreneurs in 2009 is M. Charito Kruvant?
She is head of Creative Associates International, Inc. (based in Washington, DC), a private NGO that assisted with the development of underprivileged areas to the tune of $65.34 million last year. Check out this company at

Back in Colorado, however, feel free to check out what's happening with the Higher Education Access Alliance if you have an interest in allowing all Colorado high school graduates the opportunity to pay the same tuition rate (regardless of immigration status) when attending the Colorado college or university of their choice: . If you'd like to see some info on this subject in Spanish, drop me a line!

Has leido una revista entitulado Poder Enterprise? Si sigues las aventuras de Star Trek, esta publicacion no te animara mucho, pero para discutir algunos temas manana entre colegas o companeros de trabajo, considera estos datos de la edicion de octubre 2009 (

34% de Hispanos viviendo en los EEUU no tienen seguro de salud.
270 nuevos Wal-Marts abrieron sus puertas en Mejico en 2009.
60% es lo que ex-Presidente de Honduras alzo del pago minimo alli en diciembre 2009.
$35 millon es lo que costo para renovar El Museo del Barrio en Nueva York.

Sabias que uno de los 100 empresarios quienes tuvieron mas exito en 2009 es M. Charito Kruvant? Ella es jefa de Creative Associates International, Inc. (en Washington DC), una organizacion privada que apoya el desarollo de lugares desfavorecidos. En 2009, CAII contribuyo $65.34 millon; para mas informacion sobre esta organizacion, buscala por la Red en

Si estas en Colorado y te interesa saber lo que esta pasando segun tasas de matricula para estudiantes quienes han terminado su bachillerato y quieren continuar sus estudios en Colorado (sin preocuparse sobre su situacion residencial), informese por medio de la organizacion Higher Education Access Alliance ( Si deseas informacion sobre este tema en espanol/castellano, escribeme!

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