Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Latinos unite at Denver's State Capitol

Mas de 150 Latinos de todas partes de Colorado se reunieron el 15 de marzo en Denver para representar sus comunidades y discutir temas como la educacion de nuestros jovenes, las maneras en que debemos resolver nuestros problemas economicos y donde tenemos que ir para participar en nuestras juntas politicas el 16 de marzo.

Conocimos a los legisladores latinos que han logrado ser elegidos en Colorado y algunos que han empezado sus carreras oficiales para nuestras elecciones en noviembre -- y tambien el lider del Partido Democrata en la Camara de Representantes de Colorado (Terrance Carroll). Tambien nos conocimos, uno al otro, y compartimos nuestra confianza que "SI PODEMOS" en 2010.

A los que van a Washington DC este jueves (el 18 de marzo), buena suerte, hermanos/as! A los que se quedan en Colorado, "Vamonos Adelante!"

Muchisimas gracias a las organizaciones que se reunieron para covenir el Dia Latina/o de Promocion Politica: CO Immigrant Rights Coalition, Latina Initiative, y Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR).

More than 150 Latinos from all parts of Colorado got together on March 15 in Denver to represent their communities and talk about concerns regarding the education of our youth, the ways in which we need to resolve our economic challenges and where we need to be to particiapte in our caucuses on March 16. 
We got to know the Latino legislators who have been elected to office in Colorado and others who have started their races to Election Day in November as well as Colorado's Speaker of the House (Democrat Terrance Carroll). We also got to know each other, one on one, and shared our faith that WE CAN DO IT in 2010.

To those who go to Washington DC this Thursday (March 18), good luck brothers and sisters! To those who stay in Colorado, "Let's Roll!"

Many thanks to Colorado Latina/o Advocacy Day organizers: CO Immigrant Rights Coalition, Latina Initiative, and Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR)    


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