Tuesday, March 2, 2010

No More Deaths Denver

Last night I made it tothe GEO facility in Aurora where detained immigrants are being housed for a vigil hosted by No More Deaths Denver, the American Friends Service Committee and St. Andrews United Methodist Church.

In a bilingual ceremony, nearly 100 people sang and chanted to detainees inside the facility seeking DIGNIDAD PARA TODOS, DERECHOS HUMANOS PARA TODOS, Y EL DEBIDO PROCESO PARA TODOS--dignity for all, human rights for all, and due process for all.

A commitment was made by those present to particiapte in an ongoing vigil at Peoria and 30th Avenue for a year at 6PM every first Monday of the month. Participants should dress warmly and bring flashlights and/or candles; banners and signs supporting Family Unity (addressing the reunification of parents and other family members--who have been detained--with their children) are welcome.

On the eve of March 1, this event was held in conjunction with a similar event in Tucson, Arizona. On March 2 Central United Methodist Church members of Phoenix will hold a vigil at 7:30 PM and will continue to do so for a year. Other communities of faith are also organizaing around this issue and can be contacted via www.action@nomoredeaths.org. Locally you can reach Heidi parish at 720-206-5733 for more information (or by email at heidiparish@hotmail.com).

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