Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Arapahoe Democrats August 2011

The Newsletter for Arapahoe County Democrats

Comments From the Chair
Well, July certainly got off to a wet start!  Not to worry, though - Summer 2011 is just starting to heat up.  We have some great social and volunteer opportunities to participate in.  Our annual Pat Schroeder Dinner is coming up on August 20th as are a number of campaign kick-off parties for the municipal races coming up this November. We’re also in the process of hitting our goals in the 1,000 Door Challenge.  I have been invited to participate in this door-knocking campaign in a few precincts and knocked on over 100 doors so far. After getting my fill of the carelessness & negligence exhibited by the Republicans in D.C., it was refreshing to get out and interact with the Democrats here in Arapahoe County.  If you’ve not already gone out and hit your 1,000 door challenge goals, there’s still plenty of time.  Let me know when your precincts are headed out and I’ll join you!

Thanks again to the efforts of Sharon Sherman and her Mom, the CONNECTION newsletter is available in Spanish.  Go to the Arapahoe Dems website to read & print.  If you know anyone who could translate the Connection for the Ethiopian & Korean communities, please contact me at .

Fun-Raising Event in August
August 20th 6pm-10pm:  Please come out to our annual Pat Schroeder Dinner, Awards Ceremony and Silent Auction.  This year, our guest speakers include US Senator Michael Bennet and Carol Sue Tombari, noted author and nationally-recognized renewable energy expert.  On-line ticket purchases are now available with PayPal at our website !

P.S.  Please also consider helping us by donating items for our silent auction.  Your name and the name of your business will be proudly displayed.  Please see our website for details.

August 26th 5pm-7pm:  Please come out to support our friends in HD 42 as they host a Stampede Fundraiser for the Arapahoe Dems at the Stampede Mesquite Grill and Dance Emporium, 2430 South Havana, Aurora, CO.  The price is $10.00 on-line at the Arapahoe Dems website ( or @12.00 at the door.  For additional details send an e-mail to, or call Carolyn Boller @ 303-364-3624 or Robert Reed @ 303-905-4356.

Arapahoe Dems Hit It Outta The Park At Coors Field!
On July 16th, 50 Arapahoe Dems and Friends took over Section 106 at Coors Field to cheer on the Rockies.  While the Rox lost a close one, a great time was had by all.  We will definitely be doing this again next year!  Go Rockies!!!

Arapahoe Dems 1,000 Door Challenge
The 1,000 Door Challenge has gotten off to an impressive start in our various House Districts.  We’ll let you know the number of doors knocked by HD in the September edition of the Connection. 

If you’re helping out with this important initiative, please remember to gather the following important information from each active Democrat: 1) Telephone information; 2) E-mail address to send e-version of newsletter; 3) get them to volunteer; 4) Whether they can make a contribution to the Arapahoe County Democratic Party.

Voting Centers  - The Future of Voting in Arapahoe County
Arapahoe County will use VOTE CENTERS for the first time in the November 1st Election.  The 17 voting locations have been finalized and are online at  As a registered Arapahoe County resident, you will be able to vote at any location, regardless of your address.  Voters' eligibility will be verified through computer connections to the Secretary of State's electronic SCORE Voter Registration System.  The county and state are conducting a Mock Election August 3rd at all vote center locations.  This will test all aspects of the system, particularly backup if the state system or connection fails.  Contact Todd Mata at with questions or concerns you want addressed.

Proposal to Invest in Colorado Families and the Economic Future of Our State
A petition for Ballot Initiative #25 is being championed by Senator Rollie Heath.  Under Senator Heath’s proposal, state individual and corporate income tax rates would rise from the current 4.63 percent to 5 percent and the state sales and use tax rates would go to 3 percent, up from the current 2.9 percent.  The extra revenue generated from this proposal would go directly to paying for both K-12 and higher education.

Please remember to get your petitions in by August 1st . Contact Diana Holland for drop-off information @

Upcoming Municipal Elections
Election season is coming upon us with many non-partisan municipal and school board races coming up later in 2011.  We would like to showcase some of the Democrats running for office.

Keith Gardner, a Democrat, has announced his run for re-election for the Centennial City Council District 2.  In a second term, Gardner looks forward to addressing many of the crucial issues, such as infrastructure, affecting Centennial in the wake of the major commercial developments that have recently opened in the city.  With a solid record of accomplishments from his first term, it is important we all work to get Keith re-elected to a 2nd term.

Vorry Moon, a Democrat, is seeking re-election to the Centennial City Council, District 1.   An active Democrat and former HD 37 Chair, Vorry has done an outstanding job for the City of Centennial as a councilman and Mayor Pro Temp.  Vorry was a great advocate for bringing the Streets of South Glenn shopping center to Centennial.  No doubt, Vorry can be counted on to continue championing the best interests for his city!

Preliminary Legislative Re-Apportionment Maps Approved for Senate and House Districts - Voice Your Concern on August 8th (Aurora) & 16th (Littleton) @ 6pm
The 11-member Reapportionment Commission, heard initial testimony for legislative reapportionment on July 11th.  I’m please to report that the Arapahoe County Democratic Party was well represented by a dozen community leaders that advocated for fair and competitive legislative maps. It was expected that the population change in Colorado would create some adjustments for Arapahoe County.  The Senate map accepted by the Commission reflects this reality, yet still provides for truly competitive Senate races.  However, the House Map tentatively approved is very damaging for Arapahoe County communities.  In an interview written up in the Colorado Statesman, Senator Morgan Carroll, one of the Commissioners who voted against the proposed House Map, stated that, as drawn, “does serious violence to neighborhoods of communities of interest.”  This is particularly true in Aurora.  In order to voice our concern for the great harm being proposed to Aurora, we are asking all activists to come out to the Commission Meetings in Aurora on August 8th @ 6pm.  In order to show our strong support for the Senate maps as accepted, please come out to the Commission Meeting in Littleton on August 16th @ 6pm.  For more information on the redistricting effort go to:

Neighbors Coming Together
Ready to meet some like-minded people?  We are starting neighborhood Meet and Greet gatherings to discuss concerns as well as the challenges and opportunities for the upcoming elections.  August 5th at 6:00 come to the Knolls Clubhouse, 3200 E. Geddes Dr., Centennial 80122 (apx. Colorado Blvd. & Arapahoe Rd.) for a potluck.  Please RSVP to Anita at  Hope to see you there!

OFA: What We’re Up To
OFA (Obama for America) is actively registering voters at area events. Arapahoe County Democratic Party volunteers are partnering with them at this time.  Go to the Calendar at  and find ways to volunteer at fun events.  Also OFA is partnering with us for our 1000 Door Challenge to get our message out to our neighbors.  Thanks OFA!  For more information on the work that OFA is doing to get President Obama and other Democratic candidates (re-)elected in 2012, contact Daphne Goodwin @ 720-452-2188.

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