Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Connection--September 2011

Comments From the Chair

Wow!  Hard to believe that summer is over…and what an action-packed summer it was!  Starting off with a successful pancake breakfast in HD 38 in May, we followed that up with a great Century Club event in June with Nathan Wilkes.  In July, the Arapahoe Dems cheered on the Rockies at Coors Field, and in August we capped it off with a wildly-successful Pat Schroeder Dinner.  THANKS TO ALL WHO DONATED SILENT AUCTION ITEMS!

On the community organizing side, we had a great start to the 1,000 Door Challenge.  In almost every House District, we knocked on the doors of hundreds of active Democratic voters.  In order to prepare for 2012, we will continue this Challenge through the fall…weather permitting!

After 6+ months as County Chair, I would like to thank all of you for your incredible support.  None of these events and projects would have been fun or successful without YOU!  Through your continued support and participation, we are engaging more people, getting out our message and re-building our base for 2012.

Thanks again to the efforts of Sharon Sherman and her Mom, the CONNECTION newsletter is available in Spanish.  Go to the Arapahoe Dems website to read & print.  If you know anyone who could translate the Connection for the Ethiopian & Korean communities, please contact me at .

Fall Fun-Raising Events

September 10th 3pm-5pm: Come out to welcome our Century Club Guest, US Representative Ed Perlmutter.  Ed will be discussing the incredible roller-coaster in Congress this year and most importantly, how we take back the House in ’12!! The event is @ 7797 South Forest Ct., Centennial CO 80122.  If you’re not yet a Century Club member, here is a great time to join!

September 24th 5pm-7pm: Come out to hear Melissa Hart, 2010 CU Regent Candidate, discuss her recent testimony before the US Senate Judiciary Committee on the recent rulings by the US Supreme Court and the impact they will have on corporate behavior. Location is Willow Creek Mineral Clubhouse, 8500 Mineral Dr. Centennial.

October 22nd 7pm-??: Donkey Oke, the legendary Arapahoe Dems Karaoke is back!  Join us for this cool fundraiser sponsored by HD 39 at CB & Potts 6575 South Greenwood Plaza Blvd. Greenwood Village.

Arapahoe Dems 1,000 Door Challenge

Well, the totals are in and it looks like HD 41 leads in the county with 676 doors knocked so far.  HD 37 has knocked on over 400 doors, HD 39 has approximately 300 doors, HD 42 has over 200 doors and possibly more in the last few weeks. Nice job, Folks!  Let’s keep at it.  Our success in 2012 depends on it.

If you’re helping out with this important initiative, please remember to gather the following important information from each active Democrat: 1) Telephone information; 2) E-mail address to send e-version of newsletter; 3) get them to volunteer; 4) Whether they can make a contribution to the Arapahoe County Democratic Party.

Kick Off of Leadership 101 at Community College of Aurora on September 22nd 

Members of the Arapahoe Democratic Party are kicking off a series of monthly leadership training workshops at the Community College of Aurora.  This non-partisan initiative will allow community, business, academic and political leaders from Arapahoe County and the front-range to partner with student leaders to explore key concepts and best practices for becoming community leaders. The intent of these workshops is to provide students and interested community members with the skills necessary for successful community organizing and career development. If you are interested in participating as either a speaker or participant, please contact Todd Mata ( or Pam Gail (

We’re also in the process of starting up a College Democrats Society at CCA.  Your input is welcome!

Voting Centers  - The Future of Voting in Arapahoe County

Please remember that Arapahoe County has moved to VOTE CENTERS and will use this process for the elections coming up in November.  The 17 voting locations have been finalized and are online at  As a registered Arapahoe County resident, you will be able to vote at any location, regardless of your address. If you’re interested in being a judge please contact Todd Mata at

Proposal to Invest in Colorado Families and the Economic Future of Our State Makes it to the Ballot!

Petitions for Ballot Initiative #25 received enough signatures to make it onto the ballot as Proposition 103 for this November’s election.  Under Proposition 103, state individual and corporate income tax rates would rise from the current 4.63 percent to 5 percent and the state sales and use tax rates would go to 3 percent, up from the current 2.9 percent.  The extra revenue generated from this proposal would go directly to paying for both K-12 and higher education.  Good work to all, especially Diana Holland!

Re-Apportionment Commission Hears Testimony from Arapahoe County

The 11-member Reapportionment Commission hit the road in August and held public hearings in Arapahoe County on August 8th and August 16th.

Democratic interests in Arapahoe County were well represented by dozens of community activists at both the Aurora and Littleton hearings.  In very concise and logical terms, Democratic activists made great arguments for improving the legislative map for the state house  and for maintaining the map as drawn for the state senate.  The commission will take into account all testimony provided at these public hearings and submit final maps to the Colorado State Supreme Court by October 7th.  If the plan is approved, the legislative maps will be filed with the secretary of state by December 14th.  For more information on the redistricting effort go to:

OFA: What We’re Up To

OFA (Obama for America) has been very active this summer in Arapahoe County partnering with our House Districts for the 1000 Door Challenge and actively registering voters at area events. 

OFA has appointed Nina Anziska as a full-time field organizer for Arapahoe County.  Let’s all congratulate Nina on her exciting new role and welcome her aboard.  For more information on the work that OFA is doing to get President Obama and other Democratic candidates (re-)elected in 2012, contact Nina @


Check out our Website @ and our page on Facebook.  Reach us at 303-338-1202 and tell us what’s new!

County Officers

Todd Mata, County Chair

Pam Gail, First Vice Chair

John Buckley, Second Vice Chair

Mary Pritchard, Secretary

Matt Salek, Treasurer

Precinct Contact  ________________________

Contact’s e-mail _________________________
